What made the river orange?
Abandoned mine drainage (AMD) is created when abandoned mines fill with water and are exposed to air. A chemical reaction occurs and leaches out metals, like iron and aluminum, which are often highly acidic. When this mixture flows into waterways, the pollution makes it impossible for aquatic life to survive.
How was the river saved?
The first AMD treatment systems were constructed in the Stonycreek River watershed in the 1990s in the Oven Run sub-watershed. Since then, the water quality of the river has significantly improved, restoring over 15 miles of fishery and creating a nationally recognized whitewater and kayaking destination point for an ever-growing eco-tourism industry in the Cambria-Somerset region. The Stonycreek River recovered to the extent it was named River of the Year in PA in 2012.
What does the future of the Stonycreek look like?
The Oven Run systems reached the end of their effective 20 to 25 year life expectancy and began to catastrophically fail. Over the last several years, the Somerset Conservation District completely reconstructed those systems. The Conservation District is legally responsible for the perpetual forever operation and maintenance of four of these AMD treatment systems. If the systems would have not been reconstructed, the water quality in the Stonycreek River would have returned to its degraded state. Finding funding to accomplish this essential task and prevent the water quality impairments from returning was a serious challenge.
How you can help
Your donation will help keep the Stonycreek River a safe and clean river for generations to come. A contribution of any amount is an easy, but extremely important way to make a positive impact on the future of your region's water quality and is an investment in your children’s and grandchildren’s economic, recreational and overall quality of life future. The Somerset Conservation District has established the Oven Run Treatment Sites A, D, E, and F Trust Fund in partnership with the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies, which makes your contribution tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Help support the Somerset Conservation District to operate and maintain the Oven Run Treatment Sites A, D, E, & F.
To donate with a check or money order:
Oven Run Trust Fund
c/o Community Foundation for the Alleghenies
Box 1105
Somerset, PA 15501
To donate online:
Click Here!
To download our brochure:
Click Here!
To learn about water quality improvement efforts across Somerset County, contact:
The Somerset Conservation District
814-445-4652 ext. 5